Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Iubirile croitoresei - Maria Duenas

O carte cu adevarat speciala. In cele peste 500 de pagini gasesti tot ce iti trebuie pentru o lectura aproape perfecta: amor, istorie, spionaj, psihologie, speranta, aventura, farmec oriental si lista poate continua mult si bine.
O carte, care in ciuda dimensiunilor ei, se citeste pe nerasuflate. 

"Bestsellerul spaniol al anului 2010, cu peste un milion de exemplare vandute!
In lunile de dinaintea revolutiei franchiste, tanara croitoreasa Sira Quiroga paraseste Madridul, manata de nemarginita iubire pentru un barbat aproape necunoscut. Se stabileste impreuna cu acesta in Tanger, oras monden, exotic si vibrand de pasiune, unde i se intampla ceva de neimaginat. Caci aici va fi Sira si tradata, si parasita. Asa se naste romanul Iubirile croitoresei, o aventura pasionanta, traita in saloane haute couture si hoteluri de lux, unde conspiratiile politice si nestiutele misiuni ale serviciilor secrete se impletesc cu loialitatea fata de cei apropiati si forta de neinfrant a dragostei." - via

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Christian Paraschiv - SORRY!

Curator: Olivia Nițiș
Period: January 29 - February 22 2014
Location: Victoria Art Center, Bucharest (Calea Victoriei 12C)
Opening: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 19:00 hours
Sorry! is a game that starts from the premise of equality and fair play, but which relies on the limits of a fluke by throwing the dice to undermine the partner. Equal opportunities, unequal competition. The apologetic version Sorry is rather an irony with exculpatory role for the player progressing ahead of the other. Progress through the decline of vicinity. The ideology of the game reflects the ideological paradigm of capitalism. Christian Paraschiv lures us into a game that is not foreign to us, a cultural game perhaps not only specific to a generation, or a society, yet challenging the practices around national mechanisms within the artistic community before and after 1990 and the socio -political friction and dynamic is open. Both the artist and curator came into play. Beyond the control and balancing authority between the two, the result of collaboration is the one that prevails. The principle of teamwork is a cultural ideal, but equally possible reality through the extent of reciprocity and creative freedom.

Since the remarkable exhibition from 2007 ( MNAC / Artexpo , Bucharest) signed by Christian Paraschiv , curator Mihai Oroveanu, the artist returns with a discourse in which his personal touch, always deep and ironic, coupled with technological and conceptual concerns is engaged in a slightly relaxed recontextualization. The self-referential experiment extends languishingly towards the world the artist is part of, here and there, between two geographies, between the tempo of actuality and the line of a defining rhythm. The personal body is the social body he is able to observe with the detachment of an experienced player. (Olivia Nițiș)

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